Monday, January 22, 2007

Editings, #1

* what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I believe that as a teenager in 2007, this story has a fairly good connection to my life. Even though Ender is rejected by the community because he was a third, he ends up saving the world by defeating the buggers. I believe that as a Korean American I am not always accepted, but I still have talent that may be useful for others. Just like ender My father was also like a third. In a Korean backround he was the only American looking boy. Same goes with my grandfather; during the Korean war my grandfather was sent to America, being the only Korean student in the whole school, he was ignored and was not taught english. Yet now he is one of the top evangelists in the world. Beside of Billy Grahm, he has become the Top Korean Evangelist. Like this My father also has built the top christian elementary school, and now is in the proccess of building a middleschool.

I believe that Ender and I have in common the critisism of the comunity. We both are not accepted and yet we may do somthing big~!


Tiffany Choi said...

i like the things you wrote about the teenagers in 2007. Even though I didn't read the same book as you, I can know a little bit about your book since you wrote the things in very specific and detailed way. :)

Bye -*

Amy Yoo said...

Wow. I really like this connection. It is very strong, unique, and interesting. I can see exactly how Ender relates to your father. He must have worked really hard like Ender to achieve such success. Great Job! :)

African Globe Trotters. said...

Aaron, you have connected in a real way with the book and your life. It is truely awesome think that Jesus too was a "third" - unaccepted and so He really knows how you feel and cares deeply for you. Mrs.Mc.