Monday, January 22, 2007

Editings #2

* what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?
I believe that the climax of this story is when Ender finds out that he is not playing the game, but that he was actually fighting the actual Buggers. This part actually startled me at first, but then again relieved me that Ender was actually saving the World. In the end of the story the resolution Ender is made a hero. I totally agreed at the climax. Most stories show that the weaker link always overcomes the critisism and becomes a hero in the end. But I don't agree in reality,this is not true. Those who are weak mostly remain weak, unless they try to do somthing. In reality the strong always are the ones who win.
So I believe that the climax is only a fantasy.

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